About Me

My photo
Hudson, qc, Canada

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New shoes

The babe had her new shoes panted . Had to show them off.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Who needs Wings?

Who Needs Brakes

A madman designed this bladder type expander tube brakes. Do I look happy?

Lets get some air

I.m no Picasso...or maybe I am

Im starting to get the feel for painting with the Stewart system. Its like living with my wife. When you get it right...its sweet.But totally unforgiving of even minor mistakes.

Paint by numbers

Prop , cowling and windshield.Starting to look like an airplane.

May sunshine-time for wheels

Im way behind on the blog so heres the last 4 months coming at you.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Heartbreak of Painting-

Went to a sign maker and got some vinyl and transfer paper. Redid the design on the computer and laid it out on the gear leg. The vinyl is yellow so I can see the contrast.
The airbrush was a disaster .Probably good for very minor touch ups but to fill a large area no-no.Cleaned off all the wet paint, sanded the dry area to remove the ridge and shot with my touchup gun. Better.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back to Work!

My C-140 has kept me busy but its back to baby now. Lots of work to turn the garage into a paintshop and much prep before this point. Just to get something posted here is the planned paintscheme and the first assembly painted .