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Hudson, qc, Canada

Friday, May 29, 2009

Do it Yourself Brain surgery

I successfully gave myself a frontal lobotomy after reading the fascinating book "Do it Yourself Brain surgery"...... but I'll defy anyone to teach themselves how to ribstitch. Took me hours of fustration, 50 feet of waxed cord and I buggered my near vision for the rest of the day.Pretty sure I could sew up a cadaver in about 1/2 hour now.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just a piece-no fabric yet. Control wires going to and instrument panel installation.


The constant whining " I want to go outside " finally got to me. It was me talking to myself.

Swagged turnbuckle ends

Only 2 pictures for 2 days work.What you don't see is me crying in the corner after buggering up the 5th crimp in a row. Had to make and install a "jumper" Turnbuckle didn't fit well into port leg.


Bowers said only a fool would try tio install the LG by himself. I am that fool. There is a definite order in which to attach everythingh. Too bad I didn't know that order. It came close to being the first flybaby on skids.*Trick was to pre assemble the gear with loose fit by locater bullets. Attach SB side totally assembled.On port side slip wood into fitting and bash the crap out of it!!! no..no..grease pins , talk soothing to her...then bash the crap out of the pins.

Don't force it-GET A BIGGER HAMMER!

I tried to persuade a bolt thru the landing gear fitting. Big hammer-bad ideas.The glue joint failed which lead to a replacement as shown.*Note the skill and technique used to drill a hole that goes exactly thru the other side.